Custom Development


Designed using the latest technologies in the market, by a team of professionals with extensive experience in the construction of information systems, custom developments enable the creation and implementation of new Information Systems or the adaptation of existing ones to new technologies.

Regardless of the implementation technology that your company chooses to undertake these developments, CRC Information Technologies puts a highly qualified and experienced work team at your disposal, led by work methodologies which favour at all times a dynamic development of the product, in close collaboration with the client.


Developments with JEE

CRC offers your organization the chance to make customized developments using JEE technology.

Java Enterprise Edition technology currently offers one of the most versatile and reliable solutions for developing Information Systems in companies.

In our developments we are committed to the use of open source, frameworks and widely used libraries in the applications implemented under Java language, and in Java programming standards. To this effect, without limiting ourselves just to them, it is worth mentioning:

  • Spring framework, as a mechanism for dependency injections and definition of components and services. In addition to this generic aspect, it can also be used in different specific fields of application, such as using the MVC model provided to implement Web applications or REST services, develop Web services under Spring Web Services, implement batch and EAI processes, etc.
  • Hibernate,as an ORM under JPA to favour portability between different DBMS.
  • JUnit JUnit and related libraries, such as Mockito and Assert4j, in the definition of test case units to which we submit the code in order to ensure that it has the adequate quality and behaves in accordance with what is previously agreed with the client.
  • Spring Web Services, Metro, Jersey y Apache CXF, in order to implement Web service sunder SOAP or REST technologies and JAX-WS and JAX-RS standards.

In our projects we combine and exploit these, and other technologies not explicitly indicated, following design patterns that favour and ensure the reliability of the code developed.

Developments with .NET

Within the .NET platform, one of the technologies where CRC has focused its efforts in recent years it has been in .NET Core, an open source cross-platform framework that aims to create modern applications.

.NET Core allows the creation of Web APIs and web user interfaces using ASP.NETCore MVC.

Some of the characteristics of the framework, as well as third-party developments used in a complementary way, are:

  • Ability to develop on both Windows, macOS and Linux.
  • API Rest for the construction of systems based on web services.
  • Integrated dependency insertion.
  • Entity Framework. Microsoft ORM engine for data access.
  • Test-oriented development (TDD), with libraries such as NUnit and XUnit.
  • Ability to stay in IIS, Nginx, Apache or Docker.

In addition to the development of NET Core applications, CRC continues to maintain numerous work teams in other Microsoft technologies:

  • WPF and XAML: used as a base in the development of high-performance desktop applications in client/server architectures, like some of our engineering solutions.
  • WCF, as the primary mechanism in the development of Web services under the .NET platform.

Desde hace años, llevamos desarrollando la parte front-end de las aplicaciones haciendo uso de los siguientes lenguajes, herramientas y frameworks:

  • HTML5, como mecanismo primario de construcción de UI.
  • CSS3 y librerías como Bootstrap y Material Design, utilizadas en el maquetado.
  • Javascript, desde sus primeras versiones hasta los actuales estándares ES6 y ES2016.
  • Angular, React y VueJS, como frameworks SPA de front-end.
  • Karma, Jasmine, Jest y librerías relacionadas, como Mocha, Chai y Typemoq, para la definición de pruebas automatizadas.
  • NodeJS y herramientas como NPM y yarn, y Webpack.
  • Electron, para el empaquetamiento como aplicaciones de escritorio.
  • Y también, JQuery y librerías como AngularJS y Knockout, utilizados en sistemas legados.

Developments for mobile devices

Although we cannot speak of a technology proper, by this heading we want to show the firm conviction that at the company level we have that, in our days, mobile devices play an essential role in the day-to-day life of people and organizations

Therefore, in CRC we have professionals who can assist you in creating applications for these devices.

Within the development of mobility applications we have great experience in hybrid and native applications using:

  • Cordova, Ionic and ReactNative for hybrid applications.
  • Android Studio for Android and XCode for iOS in native applications.
  • Finally, indicate the experience we have in the development of Progressive Web Apps as an alternative to the realization of native applications

Developments with oracle tools

There is no doubt that currently Oracle database technology is a benchmark for reliability and performance, proven over time by countless customers throughout the world.

Much of the success of Oracle DBMS is based on the development of different related tools that complement and enhance the functionality offered by them.

From its origins, CRC Information Technologies has participated in the development of Information Systems built under this typology that owns products, mainly Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports and Oracle Discoverer. Of course, he has a great experience using the PL / SQL language encoded within the database itself.

Although at present some of these tools are considered in Of course, there are still a large number of legacy systems implemented through these technologies: our professionals can offer you a continuity solution if you want to keep them or help them migrate to a newer technology such as JEE or .NET if they want to.

Count on us in any of the cases.

In addition to these technologies, CRC offers its customers experience in the implementation, management and maintenance of Oracle products, Among those that can be highlighted:

  • Oracle Database
  • Application servers: Weblogic
  • Oracle Access Manager (OAM) on Webgate or mod_osso
  • Oracle Business Intelligence (OBIEE)

Developments with other tools

Given the Web nature of the applications that are usually developed today, most of the Information Systems built are using JEE and .NET technologies, although sometimes there is a need to build applications implemented in client-server architectures and / or with programming languages ​​other than Java and those linked to .NET.

Our engineers at CRC Information Technologies have made use, among others, of The following programming languages ​​in different projects developed for our clients:

  • PHP and Perl, used in the development of Web applications as an alternative from server language to JEE and .NET technologies.
  • C and C++, of relevance in the implementation of engineering solutions and Information Systems in real time.
  • And also in maintenance and evo a legacy systems, built primarily in Visual Basic

Database servers

CRC has extensive experience in data management, guaranteeing its security, quality and confidentiality.

Our team is capable of performing all the required actions, from the creation, management, maintenance or administration of different database engines, both relationships and non-relationships.

Some of the database systems we have worked with are:

SQL Database

  • Oracle
  • SQL Server
  • BD2
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL

Non-SQL Database

  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • Cassandra

Cloud Environment

For a few years, a large number of our IT infrastructures and developments are deployed in Cloud environments. In the same way, we use the different services and infrastructures provided by these environments. We have extensive experience and certified personnel in the main commercial suppliers of the market:

  • AWS (Amazon Web Services).
  • Microsoft Azure.
  • Google Cloud.


When hiring our services, you have several options to choose from:

  • Hire CRC Information Technologies for the whole process to build a system, from analysis to implementation, including training, adaptation and maintenance.
  • Hire only some of the phases of the project to be developed.
  • Hire only one part of a global project coordinated by your business, or by third parties.
  • Obtain technical assistance from CRC Information Technologies by means of a team of qualified professionals,


At CRC Information Technologies we work with both classical methodologies and with Agile methodologies, depending on the needs of the project and the methodological requirements imposed by the client.

Using agile methodologies, we can adapt the way of working to the conditions of the project. Through deliveries every two or three weeks, we obtain greater flexibility which allows us to adjust the development to the changing needs of the project.

These agile methodologies set a fixed budget and term, while the the scope of development is defined and adjusted throughout the entire project. The intention is to achieve greater and better functionality with the established deadlines and budgets, always working with total flexibility in the face of changes that may arise.

It is true that in certain projects the final scope has been defined a priori, and what is required is to fix the cost and the term for the desired functionality. In these cases, we understand that the methodology to be applied would be a classical one with its phases of:

  • System analysis.
    • Requirement Specification.
    • Functional Analysis.
  • Design.
  • Building.
    • Development of system components.
    • Development of user applications.
    • Documentation.
  • Verification and tuning.
    • Acceptance tests.
    • Final configuration.
  • Implementation Plan.
  • User training.
    • User manual.
    • Courses.
    • Online help.
  • Maintenance.

Nevertheless, in CRC Information Technologies, although we use classical methodology, we always try to integrate the final client throughout the system development and to give feedback as soon as possible. Thanks to this feedback and within the established limits of the project’s scope, we adapt the best way possible to the final development and the customer´s preference.

During the entire period of the project and independently of the methodology employed, CRC Information Technologies offers the possibility to incorporate personal from the client company in its development tasks, to enable the transfer of technology in a natural way.


The fulfilment of the objectives of a development project in CRC Information Technologies is guaranteed based on its specification in the initial phase of the project,in agreement with the following information:

  • Project objectives; quantified to the greatest possible extent.
  • Range and scope of the project.
  • Phases of the project and products to be obtained in each one.
  • Resource estimation.
  • Project planning.

Based on this information, the Project Quality Plan is drawn up, emphasizing those phases and most critical products.

The plan will contain the procedures and instruments of control necessary to guarantee the quality of the final product and the manufacturing process (in the case that a specific methodology is followed).

In general, we can consider the control procedures divided into following categories:

  • Reviews: focused on the products obtained in the different phases in documentary format.
  • Product tests: Unitary and Integration (in the construction phase) and Acceptance (in the Implementation phase).
  • Source code control: With tools such as GIT, we guarantee control and traceability of the changes made to the code.
  • Continuous Integration: thanks to the continuous integration environment used in our projects. Through Jenkins we automate the performance of automatic tests and the tasks of code quality control through SonarQube.

The variety and intensity of these control procedures will be established according to the preferences and needs of each client in each specific project.

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